16 Sep CITCO + One | Operation Unite
https://youtu.be/tPbxS1mvQ0c ...
https://youtu.be/tPbxS1mvQ0c ...
C.I. Thornburg was proud to be part of the team that recently helped the community of O'Toole have clean, reliable, running water in their homes. Read and view more about this story at WVVA ...
A team of seven C. I. Thornburg employees traveled to Santa Cruz, Bolivia in April 2017 to help Agua Yaku drill two water wells. As you can see in the video, we had a fun week and successfully completed two wells. ...
https://vimeo.com/218040560 ...
Last year CITCO started a partnership with a non-profit organization called Agua Yaku that helps provide clean water to the people of Bolivia by drilling wells and passing out water filters. Over 50% of the population in Bolivia does not have access to clean drinking water...