Keeps Hydrogen Sulfide Odor In Solution
Odor will not release into the environment and corrosion will not occur.
Odor will not release into the environment and corrosion will not occur.
The hydrogen sulfide issues can be difficult to treat, especially when the retention time of the wastewater in the collection system is days long instead of hours. CITCO Water recognized that with the expansion of the collection system, these issues were increasing as well. This led to the development of ODO-SOL.
The solution is in the name. ODO-SOL keeps hydrogen sulfide ODOr in SOLution. As long as it remains in solution, the odor will not be emitted, sulfuric acid will not be produced, and corrosion will not occur.
The solubility of hydrogen sulfide varies based on pH and alkalinity. As the pH changes, the ratio of hydrogen sulfide in solution and air changes. ODO-SOL is used to maintain a pH of 8.8 to 9.2 based on the wastewater lab test data of contaminates. At this point, hydrogen sulfide will be 100% soluble and remain in solution, creating a collection system or treatment area that is free of hydrogen sulfide odor or corrosion. CITCO Water’s Systems Personnel utilized technology to design a chemical feed system that will monitor wastewater flow, pH of the raw water, and dose the appropriate amount of ODO-SOL to maintain the optimal pH for maximizing hydrogen sulfide solubility.
With every change in wastewater there will be an effect. The one effect a WWTP can see from feeding ODO-SOL in the collection system is an increased alkalinity at their plant. Increased alkalinity is critical and a benefit in the nitrification process of wastewater.